Saturday, October 4, 2008


1. The U.S. government established the top secret Manhattan Project in 1942 to

develop an atomic device. The project was under the direction of American

Physicist Robert J Oppenheimer.Which U.S. Army Brigadier General was the

leader that project

2. "The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue." What kind of military tactic is Mao Tse-tung describing?

3. “They violate our land and occupy it and steal the Muslims' possessions, and when

faced by resistance they call it terrorism”. These are the words by person in news

on june 10,1999

4 At 6 feet, 4 inches, Who was the tallest president of the United States of America?

With love and regards jithesh maniyat

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